Answers to common questions with links to resources and more information.
Throughout the district’s schools and buildings, strategies and processes are implemented to support a safe and healthy learning and working environment. These include:
Everyone has a role in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19. While you are off campus, in the community or traveling, be aware of current disease levels and potentially high risks for exposure or transmission. In areas identified with outbreaks, having fewer, shorter interactions and safe gatherings will lessen your exposure to COVID-19 and the chance that you or your child(ren) may get sick or expose someone else while at school.
Follow current WA Dept. of Health guidance and take advantage of public resources. Conduct daily health checks and take extra good care of yourself and your family.
Help prevent the spray of droplets emitted during coughing and sneezing from being transmitted into the air, onto surfaces, and to other people by covering your mouth and/or nose. Wash your hands afterward and frequently throughout the day.
To mitigate the risk of transmission and a potential outbreak of COVID-19, a student with any COVID-like symptoms will be isolated and wear a mask while waiting for parents to pickup and take their child home at the earliest time possible.
When there are potential exposures or outbreaks of COVID-19, the school’s response protocols will be followed and an administrator will notify Northeast Tri County Health District officials of those cases meeting reporting criteria. Notifications to affected parties will be sent at the earliest time possible via phone, email and/or letter.
Anyone who is sick should stay home (except to get medical care) and keep away from others in the household. Do not go out in public. Monitor symptoms. If there is a health emergency, contact 911 and tell personnel about COVID-19 symptoms.
Follow this WA Dept. of Health guidance: What to do if you test positive for COVID-19
Call your child’s school promptly to report the situation and the child’s health condition and reason for an absence, if applicable. As warranted, school staff will evaluate information and advise on next steps.
Follow this Dept. of Health guidance:
What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19
Call your child’s school promptly to report the situation and the child’s health condition and reason for being absent, if applicable. As warranted, school staff will evaluate information and advise on next steps.
Call your child’s school promptly to report the situation and the child’s health condition. School staff will collect and evaluate information, advise on next steps, and communicate with NETCHD as appropriate.
Isolate a sick individual and stay home except to get medical care - regardless of vaccination status. Monitor everyone’s health for potential symptoms, and get medical help quickly if symptoms (difficulty breathing) get worse.
Follow this Dept. of Health guidance: What to do if you test positive for COVID-19
ISOLATION means you stay home and away from others (including household members) for the recommended period of time to avoid spreading illness. Isolate when you have COVID-19 symptoms, are awaiting test results, or have tested positive for COVID-19 (regardless of vaccination status) and follow recommended healthcare guidance.
QUARANTINE is what you do if you have been exposed to COVID-19. Quarantine means you stay home and away from others for the recommended period of time in case you are infected and contagious. Quarantine becomes isolation if you later test positive for COVID-19 or develop its symptoms.
Check the Washington Dept. of Health website for current recommendations: Isolation and Quarantine Calculator Tool
VSD abides by the NETCHD and/or WA Dept. of Health return-to-school guidance, and timelines vary depending on the circumstances and factors involved in each individual case, such as the date of last known contact, vaccination status, whether a student has been tested and the results of a test, and whether the student or household member becomes ill with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
School staff will collect information, evaluate the situation, communicate with parents and provide an estimated date for return to school if the student’s health condition is improving and the recommended quarantine or isolation periods have been observed.
All frequently occupied areas of facilities are comprehensively cleaned, then sanitized/disinfected during after-business hours each day. During the day, custodial staff clean and disinfect high-use and high-touch areas at regular intervals. Cleaning/disinfecting protocols are responsive to the needs of the school at any given time.
Due to variable school health environments, at times entry to school facilities may be limited to those persons with immediate and legitimate educational or business purposes that cannot be handled via telephone, email or video conference. Please contact the school office for current conditions and visitor or volunteer procedures. All visitors must check in at the school office upon arrival.