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Health and Safety

Safety Begins with Prevention

Family Resources

Click on the topics below to find facts and data, conversation starters, action items, and websites with additional information and resources. 

Click here to jump to the Mental & Physical Wellness page for more student and family resources.

Electronic Resources and Internet Safety

Learn more about Valley School District policy:

Emergency Preparedness

The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. Safety begins with prevention and having a plan in place. State law requires schools to conduct nine drills a year, including practice for shelter-in-place, lockdown and evacuation. Information on this page will assist parents and families in the event of an emergency. Please note that due to safety concerns, staff and students may be asked by law enforcement to turn off cell phones during a crisis situation. This is an emergency management best practice. Police do not want parents to come to school to retrieve their children, because that could put the parent in danger and/or could compromise the police investigation. For additional information, please review district policy.

In the event of an emergency such as a threat to campus, snow, windstorms, earthquake, or similar events, the Valley School District may change school start or dismissal times for student safety. We will communicate with parents through:

  • Automated phone calls, text messages and/or emails. Please ensure your school has a working, current phone number where you can be reached.
  • Alerts on district and school websites and Parent Apps.
  • Announcements on social media. 

Emergency Response ‘Do & Don't’ Tips
Our schools have safety plans in place to handle natural disasters, security issues, and other emergency situations in coordination with local law enforcement and first responders, including family reunification. Help us keep your child safe by following these emergency response DO and DON’T TIPS.


Bookmark our website & parent app

We will post the latest available information on our district homepage. Check back frequently for updates and instructions on when and where you can pick up your child if parent pick-up is necessary.

     Don't rush to the school 
 Coming to school may put you or your child at great risk. Additional people on the scene distract first responders from their primary job – student safety. Instead, check our website, parent app, your email, or your phone for information and instructions.

     Get connected
Make sure we have your current phone number and email address so we can reach you quickly with an automated call, text, or email about an emergency situation. Update your contact information with your school office.

Don’t call the school or district office 
Resources are stretched thin during emergencies. Incoming calls take away from our ability to get updates to you through our website, email, phone calls/texts, and parent app. Get information from other sources and wait to be contacted by your student’s school office.